I just found these videos edited by Miguel Bidarra: he's got pretty good taste in music and film it seems, and there's a few other really good videos on his site too. They reminded me that I used to make things like this all the time. When I was a teenager they used to completely consume my life; I'd spend hours upon hours everyday making sure the clips fit with the music, down to the split second. I really obsessed over them. In hindsight, a lot of them aren't that good, but there was always the odd video that I was both proud of and surprised at how good it had come out, as if the video clips had just fallen into place.
I think I need to start making these again. I think they're exactly what I need right now; an obsession. Something that will drive me a little crazy but that I need to do and get right. The projects I've been given to do at uni have done nothing but make me feel shit about my artistic ability and motivation. It's about time I created something for myself again.